วันศุกร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Exercise 5

 2. Why Arrack turns white when mixed with water?

       Ans      This dilution causes the clear liquor to turn a translucent
                    milky-white color; this is because anethole, the essential
                    oil of anise, is soluble in alcohol but not in water. 

 4.  Find other websites related to MindBranch.

       Ans     www.mindbranch.com/

 5. Find statistics on how much time Americans spend, on average,
     searching for information on the Internet

     Ans   Americans spend 1.5 hours per week searching for information

6. Find statistics on how long it takes for people searching for information to get frustrated when they don’t find what they want?

      Ans     Americans spend 9,000,000 hours per day searching for misplaced item
                    ที่มา : http://overallorganizing.org/

